Violeta Lópiz

Violeta Lópiz is a Spanish illustrator currently living in Peru. She has illustrated numerous books including The Forest (Enchanted Lion Books, 2018), which was selected as a New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book of 2018, Amigos do Peito (Bruaa, 2014), and Les poings sur les îles (Editions du Rouergue, 2011), which received the CJ Picture Book Award 2011 in the New Books category. She has participated in exhibitions in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Israel, Turkey, USA, Japan, Korea, and more. El Cultural, the supplement of El Mundo, considers her one of the top ten names of contemporary Spanish illustration. Her work can be found in bookstores, streets, fairs, newspapers, and the thousands of notebooks that she leaves scattered around.

Violeta Lópiz's Titles

Amazing and True Story of Tooth Mouse Pérez

The Amazing and True Story of Tooth Mouse Pérez

Does every country have a Tooth Fairy? Well, in Spain and other Spanish- speaking countries, it happens to be a Tooth Mouse, and this is his...

At the Drop of a Cat

At the Drop of a Cat

With lush art by two-timeNYT Best Illustrated recipient Violeta Lópiz, a picture book about a boy and his larger-than-lifeimmigrantgrandfather,...

True Story of a Mouse who Never Asked for It

The True Story of a Mouse who Never Asked for It

The True Story of a Mouse Who Never Asked for It is a visually striking, deeply feminist, contemporary retelling of a Spanish folk tale, rediscovered...