Ricardo Chávez Castañeda

Ricardo Chávez Castañeda was born in Mexico City in 1961. He is one of the founding members of the Mexican literary movement known as the Crack, which began in the 1990s with a group of young writers who broke with literary conventions in a reaction against the Latin American Boom. Castañeda has won many prizes for his writing, which includes novels, short stories, essays, and children's books. He holds a BA in Psychology from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and a Master's Degree in Creative Writing from New Mexico State University. He currently teaches creative writing at Middlebury College.

Ricardo Chávez Castañeda's Titles

Book of Denial

The Book of Denial

From award-winning Mexican author RicardoChávezCastañeda and the visionary Mexican designer Alejandro Magallanescomes ahorror story and ghost...