Forrest Everett

Forrest Everett is an author, designer, and illustrator. He has worked on several book series, including Nom Nom Knowledge (Familius 2018). He loves leftovers, glasses, and car washes — in that order. Forrest lives west of the Mississippi and east of Hawaii with his wife and son.

Forrest Everett's Titles

Dear Santa, Love Oregon A Beaver State Christmas Celebration—With Real Letters!

Dear Santa, Love Oregon

On the night before Christmas,Santa mounted his sleigh.The presents were packed;Time to be underway!The night air was chilly,the hour was lateWhen...

Old MacDonald Had a Farm in Washington

Old MacDonald Had a Farm in Washington

Old MacDonald had a farm . . . in Washington! In this delightful Washington twist on the familiar farm tune, the orca goes click click here,...

Old MacDonald Had a Farm in Canada

Old MacDonald Had a Farm in Canada

Old MacDonald had a farm . . . in Canada! In this delightful Canadian twist on the familiar farm tune, the moose goes grunt grunt here, the...

Row, Row, Row Your Boat in Canada

Row, Row, Row Your Boat in Canada

Row, row, row your boat . . . in Canada! The sights and scenery of Canada spring to life in this adorable twist on the favorite children's song....

Row, Row, Row Your Boat in Washington

Row, Row, Row Your Boat in Washington

Row, row, row your boat . . . in Washington! The sights and scenery of Washington spring to life in this adorable twist on the favorite children's...

Dear Santa, Love, Washington An Evergreen State Christmas Celebration—With Real Letters!

Dear Santa, Love, Washington

On the night before Christmas,Santa mounted his sleigh.The presents were packed;Time to be underway!The night air was chilly,the hour was lateWhen...

Old MacDonald Had a Farm in Oregon

Old MacDonald Had a Farm in Oregon

Old MacDonald had a farm . . . in Oregon! In this delightful Oregon twist on the familiar farm tune, the sea lion goes bark bark here, the beaver...

Row, Row, Row Your Boat in Oregon

Row, Row, Row Your Boat in Oregon

Row, row, row your boat . . . in Oregon! The sights and scenery of Oregon spring to life in this adorable twist on the favorite children's song....